(Archived document, may contain errors) 15 July 14, 1977 ABORTION: NARROWING THE COURT'S JURISDICTION H.R. 4237 Provisions and Status H. R. 4273 wa's introduced by Congressman Philip M. Crane (R-Ill.) on March 2, 1977. This bill would remove the question of abortion from the jurisdiction of all Federal courts, including the Supreme Court. It would thereby enable state legislatures to prohibit or regulate elective abortions without being reversed by the Federal judiciary. The bill is now in the hands of the House Judiciary Committee.
This article by Richard Boyden is the most comprehensive account of the 1946 Oakland General Strike. It relies extensively on first-hand sources, such as Boyden's good friend and comrade Stan Weir. Additionally, it shows the continuity between the San Francisco General Strike in 1934 that shut Oakland down completely too and the sequel 12 years later. Teamster piecard Dave Beck, in trying to kill the strike, put it best: “I say this damn general strike is nothing but a revolution. It isn’t labor tactics. It’s revolutionary tactics.”