CT scans are better at predicting a middle-aged person s risk for a heart disease, such as a heart attack, than genetics, reports a new study. Conventional measures of risk factor levels include blood pressure and cholesterol. Scientists had hoped genetics could better predict risk than conventional measure, but only when considering CT scan, half the study participants moved into the high-risk group.
A 2021 study by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services found that more than 900,000 Illinois residents are living without health insurance — and about a third of them qualify for Medicaid but are not enrolled. But, a bill passed in the Illinois House of Representatives this March aims to lower both.
MONDAY, March 6, 2023 (HealthDay News) Young adults in the United States carry an increasing burden of heart health risk factors, making it more likely they’ll suffer a heart
MONDAY, March 6, 2023 (HealthDay News) Young adults in the United States carry an increasing burden of heart health risk factors, making it more likely they’ll suffer a heart
Young adults in the United States carry an increasing burden of heart health risk factors, making it more likely they'll suffer a heart attack and stroke as they age, a new study warns.