mean then you re not an objective journalist. that fact has been lost on journalists in the trump era. calling someone is a racist, is an attack on a person, when you re defining the behavior. we have a normalcy bias. since he came down the escalator and said mexicans are rapists and murderers and was the top candidate on the republican said, we didn t know what to do about that. we acted like this is normal, no matter what he did because he was eventually the nominee and now the president. we can t act like this is all falling apart and our institutions are crumbling. we have to pretend because it s a delusion because it s terrifying to think about what the alternative scenario could be. jeff jarvis, thank you for coming in. the 2020 candidates battle for traction in the hawk eye state.
days worth of resources to protect our family from whatever crisis is out there, whether it s an emp or a natural disaster. it s the preparing movement has really grown, and people are just trying to empower themselves, i think. megyn: what do you make of the vast majority of americans, millions and millions, who are not doing anything to prepare for dooms day? it s really irresponsible. i m a father of three kids and the last thing i can imagine is looking in their eyes if a disaster happened, whether it be something like katrina that everyone can kind of wrap their arms around because that s happened, you know, people tend to have a normalcy bias where they think it will never happen to me and if it does it won t than bad, but if your kids are there, depending upon you as the guy who makes the decisions in the family and you are not there to help them out, i just i think that s just really just really gir responsible. i think it s up to the parents to step up. megyn: at first i
privatizing the post office. people think you are radical. germany, privatized the post office in 2000. netherlands privatized the post office. the european union is pushing for postal competition across the entire continent by 2013. we are going to be more socialist than europe on post offices. glenn: we are looking at france in our rear-view mirror. right. glenn: we were talking about last night about let s be more like france. okay. in some ways they re ahead of us. the british and germans have done a lot of stuff we need to do. ben, first, let s start with the normally bias. explain the normally bias. people facing a crisis have what psychologists call the normalcy bias. you want things to be normal. when you re on airplane and say the engine catches fire. you look out the window and
you have nothing in your memory to say the engine is on fire so you want everything to be okay. when they ve done studies of people with fire drills and crisis, the normalcy bias makes us want to believe that everything will be just fine. glenn: everything is okay. everything is normal. glenn: that explains this. not newsweek but they re smarter than this. people want to believe this, that america is back. don t worry about it, the worst is behind us. you want to believe that. because you can t imagine what things are going to be life if it s not. a lot of people realize how bad things are. publications like that are saying there are some signs that things are getting better. most americans know, and when you go out there and look at how people are struggling to survive right now, i have been to el centro, california, the unemployment capital of the united states.
so if you are seeking information, you figure out a plan and you have a chance to get over the normalcy bias and do something. glenn: i have to take a break and we want to bring in both of you and maybe an ad man to answer the question. but when we come back, i want to ask again, it s the 80% that i m worried about. if the 80%, if i am someone who says it could happen, it might not but it could. how do i approach 80% when there is no smoke or planes flying in the building. do you have the answer? sure do. glenn: we come back for that next.