The renowned Syrian composer Malek Jandali has composed a hymn to the Syrian revolution. In an interview with Falah Elias, he comments on the situation in his homeland and explains why he has no fear of a confessional conflict after the Assad regime has gone
A free Syria can only exist without Assad
The renowned Syrian composer Malek Jandali has composed a hymn to the Syrian revolution. In an interview with Falah Elias, he comments on the situation in his homeland and explains why he has no fear of a confessional conflict after the Assad regime has gone
Mr Jandali, what is your experience of the current situation in Syria?
Malek Jandali: Looking at current events in the wake of the Arab Spring and the Syrian revolution against the Assad regime, we artists must bear new responsibilities. After all, it is the public that bestows us with the title of artist . And art, in its essence, is the search for truth and beauty. It is a mirror of reality. As long as art is subject to restrictions, then it is not truthful and can therefore never really be art.