Good morning. It is a pleasure and an honor to welcome all of you here for our presentation this morning by alex kershaw. My name is side bunting c y bunting. I work at the world war ii memorial and have the continuous honor and privilege of being from thatmany heroes period in our history and to thosee their families and interested in learning that andory more thoroughly making up the deficiencies, i may say, of the extent to which that history is being taught in our schools and colleges, particularly in our schools. The ignorance of the history of our country, and particularly of its military history, is being being ignored it is widely ignored and that has got to be fixed. One of the best people to fix it, of course, is our speaker this morning, alex kershaw. We feel in the 75th year of the anniversary of dday, particularly close to what we call the greatest generation. On memorial day, we honored who have paid the supreme sacrifice and all of our wars, but we have always felt a par