Members in their response. A successful Hydrogen Bomb test would increase the Nuclear Threat from north korea. The weapon is far more powerful than an atomic bomb but experts and countries around the world question the countrys claim. South Koreas National Intelligence Service is one group doubting its credibility. Officials of the agency gave a briefing at an emergency meeting wednesday. According to lawmakers who attended, the test had a strength of six kilotons. They explained that a miniature Hydrogen Bomb detonation would have a strength of 50 to 60 kilotons. The intelligence officials said the strength of the tremor caused by the explosion was similar to those recorded previously in weaker bombs. Pyongyang did not give notice to others. And admitted south korea and others were unable to detect signs that it was coming. They suspect kim jung un ordered preparations to be kept secret to surprise the world japanese is considering stepping up sanctions on north korea. Prime minister
North koreas longtime ally china joined the rest of the members in their response. A successful Hydrogen Bomb test would increase the Nuclear Threat from north korea. The weapon is far more powerful than an atomic bomb but experts and countries around the world question the countrys claim. South Koreas National Intelligence Service is one group doubting its credibility. Officials of the agency gave a briefing at an emergency meeting wednesday. According to lawmakers who attended, the test had a strength of six kilotons. They explained that a miniature Hydrogen Bomb detonation would have a strength of 50 to 60 kilotons. The intelligence officials said the strength of the tremor caused by the explosion was similar to those recorded previously in weaker bombs. Pyongyang did not give notice to others. And admitted south korea and others were unable to detect signs that it was coming. They suspect kim jung un ordered preparations to be kept secret to surprise the world japanese is consideri
Health experts and education board members are opposing the Tokyo Paralympic organizer’s insistence of inviting more than 100,000 schoolchildren to attend the events while COVID-19 cases are spiking around the nation.