letter of the alphabet, double h is while hitler. i would not know any of that. your son comes downstairs, and i don t know what this is. you know what i mean? so this is a nordic rune, that s the tree of life. if i look, i have one that s tattooed on me. that s covered up on me but i have a couple there. there s nordic runes. the band is a norwegian black metal band. the singer went to prison for burning churches. he is very much a national socialist, as is the scene surrounding this band. so here s that s what s called a wolf s hook or a wolf s angle. it s an old nazi national socialist symbol for world war ii. everything that i ve seen here is a sign that most parents would never know to look for. i had no clue about that. for the first two years i was involved in the movement, 14 and 15 years old, my parents had no idea. and then one day i was bold enough to come home with a