Shi Yomi district officials on Friday said that Beboo along with NCM member Rinchen Lhamo held a two-hour long meeting with representatives of the Buddhist Memba community in Mechuka on Thursday and visited the Neh Pema Shelpu Drupkhang, a cave revered by the local Buddhist Memba community. No r
A two-member team of the National Commission for Minorities (NCM) led by its vice-chairperson Kersi K. Deboo visited Mechuka in Arunachal Pradesh's Shi Yomi district to examine a disputed religious site which both Buddhists and Sikhs claim to .
Shi Yomi district officials on Friday said that Beboo along with NCM member Rinchen Lhamo held a two-hour long meeting with representatives of the Buddhist Memba community in Mechuka on Thursday and visited the Neh Pema Shelpu Drupkhang, a cave revered by the local Buddhist Memba community. No r