Hours after an officer with the Wisconsin Department of Justice was charged for his role in the shooting of Quadren Wilson on Madison's northeast side earlier this year, Wilson's family and supporters said they consider the charge a step toward justice but not far enough.
Across the country, 49% of Native American homes lack access to reliable water sources, clean drinking water or basic sanitation. Homes in the Navajo town of To'hajiilee, just outside Albuquerque, are no exception. Taps run black with sediment and orange with rust, and nearly 2,000 residents rely on truckloads of water for drinking.
Nearly half of tribal homes across the country don’t have steady access to clean water. Many in the Southwest rely on aging wells with polluted water, or truck in bottles from far away. In To'hajiilee, New Mexico, a Navajo community hopes a new pipeline from Albuquerque will remedy decades of struggle to get clean water.
Nearly half of tribal homes across the country don’t have steady access to clean water. Many in the Southwest rely on aging wells with polluted water, or truck in bottles from far away. In To'hajiilee, New Mexico, a Navajo community hopes a new pipeline from Albuquerque will remedy decades of struggle to get clean water.