More than 25 million shots of a COVID vaccine have been given out, or about 8 doses for every 100 people. But the process can be difficult and overwhelming. Here s a sampling of what some Americans say they are facing as they attempt to get vaccinated.
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Judy Woodruff:
It s a common refrain right now, anger, frustration, anxiety. More than 25 million shots of a COVID vaccine have been given out in the U.S., or about eight doses for every 100 people.
But the process of getting that shot can be difficult and overwhelming.
We wanted to capture a sampling of what Americans say they re facing.
To the Editor:
Thank you, David Brooks, for your lovely tribute to Mark Shields on the occasion of his retirement as a regular analyst on “PBS NewsHour” (“It’s a Pleasure to Really Know Mark Shields,” column, Dec. 18). Your conversations on Friday nights have been among the highlights of my week.
I’m sorry Mr. Shields is retiring, but I wish him many blessings. I am grateful to you both and to PBS for bringing us rational intelligent opinions free of toxic rhetoric.
Nora Gallina
To the Editor:
I am a soon-to-be 60-year-old who has been watching Mark Shields and David Brooks with my now 93-year-old mother on Fridays for the last few years. I am saddened by Mr. Shields’s departure and also by the fact that I missed 15 years of them. Their even-keeled insights really do justice to the strength of moderate positions.