Bollywood star Nora Fatehi came to Dhaka in the afternoon today, for a programme. Nora she performed at the Global Achievers Awards show, titled "Women Empowerment in Bangladesh" which had been organised by the Women Leadership Corporation.
Information and Broadcasting Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud said that National Board of Revenue (NBR) has no jurisdiction to stop the programme of Nora Fatehi. The Bollywood artist is scheduled to arrive in Dhaka on November 18 to attend the shooting of a documentary on Global Achievers Award titled "Women Empowerment in Bangladesh”.
"Saki Saki" and "Dilbar" famed Nora Fatehi was scheduled to arrive in Dhaka tomorrow at the Global Achievers Awards, organised by Women's Leadership Corporation. However, the visit has been cancelled, due to the denial of permission by the Ministry of Cultural Affairs.