Lemmai-Mei gets $682,485 federal grant from MANGO
Staff Reports
The board of directors of Marianas Alliance of Non-Governmental Organizations, or MANGO, announced a grant award of $682,485 from the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Native Americans for the Lemmai-Mei Nonprofit Incubator Project.
The three-year grant period began on Sept. 30 and will end Sept. 29, 2023. As an umbrella organization for the CNMI’s nonprofit organizations, the Lemmai-Mei Nonprofit Incubator Project will help 25 native nonprofit organizations receive incubator services to improve their sustainability, according to a news release.
Lemmai-Mei is a hyphenation of the Chamorro word for the breadfruit, lemmai, and the Carolinian word for breadfruit, mei. Breadfruit is considered a staple food throughout Oceania. The tree’s leaves, roots and sap have medicinal uses, and both the sap and the wood are used in canoe building.