unaccompanied minors who i spent ti with, who are filled with optimism but they are without their family. jesse: you got that little kids filled with suicide watch filled with optimism. never mind they are probably in straight jackets. kamala harris can t fix this crisis by ignoring it or lying about it. one reason president trump won the election in 2016 is because he was honest about what was happening onon t the border. and he offered a solution. joe biden, kamala harris just blew it up the second they sorority oath and tomorrow the 45th president will return to that region for a tour of the actual border so what should we expect? north carolina congressman madison cawthorn will also be there alongside president trump and he joins me now. all right, cawthorn, where are you guys going and what s on the agenda? well, jesse, currently we are right at the border as you can see behind me, this is a live
done in exporting information about a political opponent while holding money over a foreign government s head who is literally trying to save people s lives as they are fighting russia, it is so beyond the pale. we should all be screaming. but in the world of donald trump and this presidency in the last three years, people think that at this point we know it is important, but we re not completely outraged. something s changed for sure. i mean, the republican members of congress somehow trying to explain away, oh, it is not impeachable, look at the bidens. nonon t nobody on the president s party is defending this conduct. if you are talking about republican voters peeling away from this president, if their own elected officials cannot defend this, that is a sign for them. it is really horrible what is happening in this country. this is not political, this is not donald trump and republicans
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