on sand. the reason is he never brought in the opposition. he never brought in the country. he wins the election when he s on the ticket and gets crushed on the elections when he s not because, as he said himself, i m not on the ballots by my policies are. he completely overshot the mandate. the mandate in 08 was to reassure a very nervous, apprehensive country and to govern sort of in a moderate wa way. he understood it as a mandate for his sort of social democratic he was bernie sanders before sanders was sanders. he tried to govern that way and you can t for a country that is 80% nonliberal. bret: he said he was surprised by the severity of the partisanship when he got here and there were times that he lost the p.r. battle. that s an accurate statement about the partisanship but the question is whether he helped at all during that time?
of things but they are all built on sand. the reason is he never brought in the opposition. he never brought in the country. he wins the election when he s on the ticket and gets crushed on the elections when he s not because, as he said himself, i m not on the ballots by my policies are. he completely overshot the mandate. the mandate in 08 was to reassure a very nervous, apprehensive country and to govern sort of in a moderate wa way. he understood it as a mandate for his sort of social democratic he was bernie sanders before sanders was sanders. he tried to govern that way and you can t for a country that is 80% nonliberal. bret: he said he was surprised by the severity of the partisanship when he got here and there were times that he lost the p.r. battle. that s an accurate statement about the partisanship but the question is whether he helped at all during that time?
spiriva respimat does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva respimat. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain or problems passing urine, stop taking spiriva respimat and call your doctor right away. side effects include sore throat, cough, dry mouth and sinus infection. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. to learn about spiriva respimat slow-moving mist, ask your doctor or visit spirivarespimat.com factor tip of the day, hollywood and nonliberal entertainers. first, book alert. killing lincoln out in paper back just if time for school. sold more than 2 million copies hard back.
it s different for nonlibs. pelosi, harry reid, dean, howard dean the screamer, joe biden, eric holder, warren, they all say dishonest stupid stuff but few people accountable because the press shares their assumptions. if a nonliberal makes one slip up you re dead. there s no way out. that s why it s so important if you are running as a conservative or libertarian you have to be impeccable. greg, this guy said this two years ago. by the time he got a show like this somebody should have said you know you re going to get this question. answer it in a way that will be helpful. that s my point. i don t know. that s my point. he keeps stepping in it. why is he here, i don t know. eric, democrats make comments about men. harry reid said men will beat
it s different for nonlibs. pelosi, harry reid, dean, howard dean the screamer, joe biden, eric holder, warren, they all say dishonest stupid stuff but few people hold them accountable because the press shares their assumptions. if a nonliberal makes one slip up you re dead. there s no way out. that s why it s so important if you are running as a conservative or libertarian you have to be impeccable. greg, this guy said this two years ago. by the time he got a show like this somebody should have said you know you re going to get this question. answer it in a way that will be helpful. that s my point. i don t know. that s my point. he keeps stepping in it. why is he here, i don t know. eric, democrats make comments about men. harry reid said men will beat