With their growing flock of shaggy money spinners, young women are turning the tide in a time of scarce jobs – with some help from the provincial government.
When the multimillion-rand Amajingqi Macadamia Farming (AMF) in the rural hinterland of Willowvale was launched in 2016, it was dubbed a beacon of hope for the community. The R154m project brought more than 100 permanent jobs.
The AmaMpondomise kingdom hosted a ceremony to celebrate and honour one of their sons, ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula, in an exuberant and traditional event held in Qumbu at the weekend. Mbalula’s ANC comrades, traditional leaders and members of the business community attended the two-day event held on Friday and Saturday at Kroza Great Place and Mvumelwano village in Qumbu.