experts at the state department and beyond saw something unusual immediately. tillerson had all but copy and pasted earlier statements from by xi, who just a few months before had expressed hope that president trump would uphold the principles of non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation. that s exactly what tillerson said. that was the most recent of many examples of xi and other communist officials using that coded sequence of terms to describe a new balance of power, with china as an equal to the u.s., and the u.s. deferring to chinese prerogatives on contentious issues from taiwan to territorial disputes in the south china sea. state-run chinese media instantly picked up on the dog whistle. quote, tillerson has implicitly endorsed the new model of new relations, crowed the communist global times, saying that rex s language had given those an impression that china and the u.s. are equal. as barack obama refused to do.
pristine valleys and forests. they wore matching red ties and dark jackets. and in a move that left close followers of u.s./chinese relations a gape, they used matching language. president xi urged the united states to expand cooperative areas and achieve win/win results. tillerson agreed. the u.s. side is ready to develop relation was china based on the principal of no conflict, no confron trading nation, mutual respect and win/win cooperation. a lay observer might have blinked and missed it. agents at the state department and beyond saw something unusual immediately. tillerson had all but copy and pasted earlier statements by xi who just a few months before had expressed hope that president trump would uphold the principles of nonconflict, nonconfrontation, mutual respect and win/win cooperation. that s exactly what tillerson said. that was the most recent of many examples of xi and other communist officials using that coded sequence of terms to describe a new balance of power,
maki making diplomacy more ploe fegsal. saving citizens around the world in a literal direct sense. they re not getting credit for that. last question briefly. does jared kushner deny that he wrote tillerson s remarks in china when tillerson went over there and parroted the chinese government? no comment from him. ronan farrell fresh off his pulitzer prize, war on peace. remarkable reporting. great to see you. great to be here. we ll be back soon. stay with us. since the historic opening of relations between our two countries more than 40 years ago, the u.s./china relationship has been guided by an understanding of nonconflict, nonconfrontation, mutual respect and win/win cooperation.
cooperation and address the differences we have appropriately. in this way we will secure greater progress in china/u.s. relationship for the greater benefit of the people in not only china and the united states but also in the whom world. thank you. thank you minister wong. now the floor is yours, secretary tillerson. good afternoon. i m pleased to be here this afternoon in beijing to discuss the way forward in forging a constructive and results-oriented relationship between the united states and china. this is an important opportunity to follow up on the television conversation between president trump and president trump xi and pave the way for high level engagement. since the historic opening of relations between our two countries more than 40 years ago, the u.s./china relationship has been guided by an understanding of nonconflict,
since the historic opening of relations between our two countries more than 40 years ago, the u.s./china relationship has been guided by an understanding of nonconflict, nonconfrontation, mutual respect and win/win cooperation. it is important that the leaders of our two countries engage in further dialogue to develop a common understanding that will guide our relationship for the next half century. laura: as some of the big topics on the table will likely be how the u.s. and china will respond to the missile launches by north korea as well as china build, they ll be building up another island in disputed waters. now, this is going to be at least the seventh one while china insists the island will be for environmental monitoring, similar islands have been built up with a wide array of military equipment. some have military-length airfields, anti-aircraft and anti-missile guns along with naval guns. kelly. kelly: eight states are pushing