suppression. i m always fascinated by republicans inability to push back. did any republicans push around that point that you are aware of? lisa: there has been republicans night making fun of her for nonconcession speech. she said that democracy failed georgia, but as i pointed out, it didn t. another thing interesting tonight about her giving the democratic response is just how far the party has shifted. because there is this controversy over bernie sanders also giving his state of the response the response tonight, but, there is not a lot of daylight between s stacy abrams policies and his. she supports single payers. she said she advocated illegal immigrant voting and that would be a pathway for the blue way. and when she was in the state legislature in georgia, she cosponsored legislation that would ban certain weapons and also opened the door for con compensation. there s not a lot of daylight between her policy and bernie sanders. it is sort of interesting to me
republican brand. and you re right, he didn t need competition. it s enough to have one race baiter in the white house, having another in the senate it was a very close race, and roy moore is kind of his concession was a nonconcession speech. he thinks there s going to be a recount. i think that s probably a bigger problem. again, all of the jokes aside, it was a very close race. i think the bigger point is probably if you look at ed gillespie, who was a great candidate. there s a problem getting out the suburban vote, and i think republicans are going to have to do some soul searching for that. john phillips, the president threw his weight behind him and we saw a limitation to that. i voted for donald trump in the primary, i voted for donald trump in the general election. i m a trump supporter today. if i lived in the state of alabama, i would not have voted for roy moore. i couldn t morally do it. i would have written someone s name in or voted for the
shown the country the way we can be unified. but roy moore, who wrote to the holes on horseback yesterday has yet to concede the race. under alabama law, jones victory was under 1% which would trigger a recount. i know it s late, we can t wait and have everybody wait but the votes are still coming in, we are looking at that. roy moore s nonconcession speech prompted mike huckabee to tweet roy moore won t concede, god wasn t registered to vote in alabama but the people who voted did speak and it wasn t close enough for a recount. in elections, everyone does not get a trophy. i know firsthand but it s best to exit with class.
there. there s people from out of state especially who are putting all sorts of violent unbelievable things out there, you accusing mayor madison and other people of being involved in going so far to say they killed this man so this is as we said, it s all around ugly and sad and bizarre story. the context for this obviously, what s happened since tuesday in the election where you had the nonconcession speech from chris mcdaniel. here s the latest from yesterday. this is chris mcdaniel s latest in talking about what he s going to do next. let s play this and talk about it. this was not a fair election. activity was illegal at worst unethical at best. we can t have elections like that and have people maintain their confidence in the system. so sam, do you have any indication what mcdaniel is going to do next. is there some kind of legal challenge? i ve heard people say a write-in