however, this is a temporary change, and it s a change whilst the rates are so high. and coming up at 11:30 this morning, we ll be answering your questions on the new covid testing rules. if there s anything you want to know about what tests you now need to take for travel or if you suspect you have covid, get in touch with the hashtag #bbcyourquestions or you email that is at 11:30am. novak djokovic has been seen inside the australian open venue, a day after winning his court battle to stay in the country. he s hoping to defend his title next week in melbourne. but he could still be thrown out of the country by the government. the controversy around djokovic s attendance at the tournament has divided fans in the city of melbourne. selfish, non vaccinated, i think he strays from the truth and the sort of.
axios ipsos coronavirus we asked a new question. what do you think of the vaccine results? there the people are happy with the vaccines, they see it is helping america reopen. here is another question we asked. what do you think of the president s offer of covid tests through the u.s. postal service, free tests and n95 masks coming soon through pharmacies? listen to this, jonathan. 84% of people in the polls said they liked each of those. there s not an 84% issue out there, but people like the president s masks and tests. this is super interesting. 44% of people in our poll had already ordered their masks or tests, but here is the twist, jonathan. here is the between the lines. it is the people who need it the most who are least interested. these are overwhelming people who are vaccinated who are getting their masks and tests. non-vaccinated, less likely to.
so half of people who are vaccinated put in these requests. only a fifth of non-vaccinated have done the same. that s been the conundrum of this pandemic. people who are taking the most precautions are the most protected and those who need the help aren t doing so. mike, we just talked to our friends at cnbc a short time ago about the wild day we had at wall street yesterday and things seem uncertain. there s a lot of eyes on the tech market. are you guys at axios , you have some reporting here, are we on the verge of the tech bubble bursting? tech knows it could. they re getting ready for it and they know they could be a top. here is something fascinating. axios managing tech out in the bay area, scott rosenberg, discovered big tech, even if there is a crash, even in this decline which a lot of your viewers have been watching and worrying about, big tech actually in a big decline could still be a winner.
freedom convoy covid. they have been partly sparked by emmanuel macron saying he wanted to annoy the non vaccinated, which was not very presidential as a way of expressing things but did not take into account the feeling of separation and exclusion that lots of people had, and that converges with other reasons, the cost of living going up fast which is also taken into account and general discontent on the fact that it looks like this election is going to be once again a rerun of five years ago and we have the presidential election on the tenth and 24th of april, and as it is, emmanuel macron is the highest in the polls even though he doesn t have a majority for the first round, but he does in the second. there is a feeling of helplessness, i think, that sparks these movements. there is what happened in canada which inspired people and you have
nurse was on the panel had asked him to react to the fact there were more and more people non vaccinated who were clogging up beds in intensive care units and as a result, she said, cancer patients, for example, were having operations put off and he said in reply, well, what i can t do is force people to get vaccinated. we will not introduce a law that makes it a legal requirement. but what we can do is make life as difficult as possible for the non vaccinated. and he assumes this policy very clearly, he said what we can do is make life difficult by making sure they can t go to the bar, they can t go to the cafe, they can t go to the restaurant, they can t go on trains because they need the certificate which is going through parliament now, this vaccination certificate, to do those things and he used the word emmerder, which while not being a rare word or particularly abusive word, still has a slightly kind of