All the three were shifted to Srinagar for specialised treatment as the security forces launched searches to hunt down the assailants. Former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah condemned the attack saying on his twitter page, "Very unfortunate. I unreservedly condemn this attack and send my best wishes to the injured. I hope they make a complete & speedy recovery." Jammu and Kashmir: Terror Attack on Three Non-Local Labourers in Shopian Widely Condemned.
SRINAGAR: Apni Party President Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari condemned the attack on three non-local laborers who were shot at and injured by militants in south Kashmir's Shopian district on Thursday.
A policy party was taking the hybrid terrorist of LeT for identification of a hideout when terrorists hiding in a hideout resorted to indiscriminate firing in which the terrorist under police custody was killed.
Two migrant labourers from UP were shot and injured by terrorists at the Rakh-Momin area of Anantnag in South Kashmir on Saturday. Police officials said that both the injured have been shifted to the hospital for treatment.
A police official confirming the incident said that two labourers working at Sabir Abdullah Public School(SAPS) in Wanihama, Anantnag were shot at and injured inside the school by terrorists.