Madison County Grape Grower Wins Medals with his Wines
Posted on February 09, 2021
MADISON COUNTY, NC – Jewel of the Blue Ridge Vineyard owner, Chuck Blethen, entered several of his home made wines in the French Broad Vignerons (FBV) Amateur Wine competition in December 2020. He won a gold medal for his Black Currant & Cassis country wine and a Silver medal for his Cold-hardy Katuah Muscadine wine. This is the first time wine made with the native Madison County Katuah muscadines has been entered in a wine competition. “I am down-right tickled that the Katuah Muscadine wine has been judged by a panel of trained wine judges and found to be deserving of a Silver medal,” Chuck exclaimed. All other medal winners in the FBV Amateur Wine Competition are posted on the FBV website (