Matthew F. Prewitt is a trial lawyer with a national practice in trade secrets litigation and disputes arising from nondisclosure and noncompetition agreements.
Recently, we wrote about New Hampshire's attempts to piggyback on Massachusetts' material change doctrine. In this post, we're taking a look at Connecticut's latest legislative effort to limit non-competes—House Bill 5249.
Earlier this week, the Colorado state legislature voted to pass HB22-1317, which if signed into law by Democratic Governor Jared Polis, would place Colorado among several other states with the strictest bans.
Linda, Co-Leader of the Trade Secrets, Non-Competes & Employee Mobility group, first-chair trial attorney focusing on employment and commercial counseling and litigation, including C-suite investigations, trade secrets, non-competes, and whistleblower suits.
Breathing life into uniqueness as legitimate business interest supporting enforcement of non-competition covenants under New York law, the Second Circuit affirmed grant of preliminary injunction barring designer with social media presence from competing with former employer.