By popular request, the AD STARS Organizing Committee has decided to extend this year’s entry deadline until 31st May 2022. This gives agencies, production companies, and the whole creative industry more time to submit their work and compete for US$10,000 cash prizes, which are awarded every year to
AD STARS 2022 is now open for entries. It's free to enter AD STARS and the two Grand Prix of the Year winners will receive a US$10,000 cash prize each.
1. For the quarter, Revenue from operations increased by 23% (21% in constant currency) as compared to corresponding quarter of the previous year, led by volume and value growth in the branded business. The Group s business segments catering to out of home consumption continue to be adversely impacted, with progressive recovery from the earlier lows. Profit before exceptional items and tax at Rs 298 Crores is higher by 13% as compared to corresponding quarter of the previous year, mainly on account of growth in revenue and good control over expenditure despite record tea cost inflation in India. Lower tax provision in the current quarter is on account of one time credits and profit mix. Group Consolidated Net Profit is higher by 29%.