Parcel delivery times could double if the Post Officeâs monopoly ambitions succeed May 07, 2021, 06:29 AM
(Photo by Gallo Images/Fani Mahuntsi)
The South African Post Office says it has exclusive rights to deliver parcels weighing 1kg or less.
This interpretation was supported by the Independent Communication Authority, which will defend its position before a High Court review.
If the Post Office is successful in its bid, South Africa’s R20 billion private courier industry will be devastated.
And South Africans awaiting parcels will need to endure longer delivery times.
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The South African Post Office (Sapo) wants to monopolise the delivery of parcels weighing 1kg and under. If it succeeds in side-lining private courier companies from distributing small items, South Africans can expect average delivery times to double.