Exclusively sponsored by Honeycomb Strategies Connecting with people to generate leads is an essential part of live exhibitions like trade shows and conferences. Traditionally, it's been easy to hand out stress balls, key chains and other cheap-to-produce swag to start that initial conversation. But – at what cost to the environment? And does that fidget spinner really provide the memorable impact you want it to go? Let's explore what it takes to make a disposable tchotchke and discuss the values of an alternative.
Exclusively sponsored by Honeycomb Strategies Connecting with people to generate leads is an essential part of live exhibitions like trade shows and conferences. Traditionally, it's been easy to hand out stress balls, key chains and other cheap-to-produce swag to start that initial conversation. But – at what cost to the environment? And does that fidget spinner really provide the memorable impact you want it to go? Click below to explore what it takes to make a disposable tchotchke and discuss the values of an alternative.
With a portfolio of nearly 8,700 properties, Marriott International has introduced neuroinclusive practices at events hosting 250 people or more, aiming to accommod
With a portfolio of nearly 8,700 properties, Marriott International has introduced neuroinclusive practices at events hosting 250 people or more, aiming to accommod
Exclusively sponsored by Honeycomb Strategies Connecting with people to generate leads is an essential part of live exhibitions like trade shows and conferences. Traditionally, it's been easy to hand out stress balls, key chains and other cheap-to-produce swag to start that initial conversation. But – at what cost to the environment? And does that fidget spinner really provide the memorable impact you want it to go? Click below to explore what it takes to make a disposable tchotchke and discuss the values of an alternative.