Nokia launched the T20 tablet a couple of days ago and it is out for sale now at a starting price of Rs 15,499. The new Nokia T20 has a 2K display and packs 8,200 maH battery and stereo speakers. The company has said that the device will be receiving monthly security updates for three years and two yearly Android OS updates.
Nokia is all set to launch the T20 tablets in India soon. The T20 tablet was launched in the global market this month and Flipkart is listed on their shopping website and app. The poster on Flipkart suggests that this new device from Nokia will be released during the Big Diwali Sale that is going to start on 3rd November
HMD Global has launched a new tablet with a Nokia brand name. The tablet named Nokia T20 launched with a massive 8,200mAh battery, 2K Display, and stereo speaker. The Nokia T20 is an affordable Android tablet that customers may enjoy, especially since HMD promises two years of Android updates.
The Wi-fi variant of the tablet is expected to be launched between EUR 185 to EUR 217, while the Wi-Fi + 4G model of the tablet is tipped to be launched between EUR 202 or EUR 227 price tag.