The Noida Police on Wednesday arrested two suspected members belonging to a gang that allegedly swindled money from individuals by promising them lucrative job opportunities abroad. Operating under the guise of a bogus company, the gang fabricated counterfeit visa documents to lure job applicants. To further deceive their victims, they even conducted fake in-person interviews in Noida, successfully tricking hopeful job seekers., Delhi News, Times Now
The police said Keshav Kumar was wanted in connection with a case of robbing a gun from a security guard. A reward of Rs 10,000 had been declared for his capture.
Officials said the accused identified as Prashant Tomar, Aditya Shakya, Pawan, and Gaurav Yadav were arrested from the Panchsheel Underpass in a joint action by the Expressway Police and Zonal Surveillance Team.