4 wins from 1600m to 2500m, A$265,340, VRC Oaks,
Gr.1, MVRC Crown Lager S.,
L, Pinjarra RC Oaks Trial S.,
L, STC Legacy H., 2d AJC Chicola H., 3d VRC Wakeful S.,
Gr.2, STC Petersham H. Dam of 11 named foals, 7 to race,
6 winners, inc:-
10 wins from 1100m to 2000m, A$338,750, AJC Country Cup H., McGrath Estate Agents H., Chatteress H., STC Mounties Group H., AJC Gardens on Forest H., Allawah Hotel H., Trumper Park H., 2d AJC Insurance Market Facilities H., STC Freeway Republic Beer H., 3d AJC Merrick, Dools & Ricki Lee H., Ike s Dream H., STC Exhibit Systems H. Producer.