Am proud to be a supporter to work to protect their Vital Mission as they work for us. This years ndaa authorizes money for a new base military complex bringing the airlift wing into compliance with the department of defense Antiterrorism Force Protection requirements to support their c130 mission. For all these reasons, i urge my for all these reasons i urge my colleagues to support this bill. For these reasons and many others, this bill keeps faith with our military men and women. It secures our National Defense. It provides the assurance Going Forward that we will remain as strong as we need to be as the worlds only superpower guaranteeing not only our own freedoms but others around the world. As we consider amendments on the floor, i urge my colleagues to reject the new brac proposal introduced by chairman mccain and Ranking Member reed as mccain amendment 933. I say with all due respect and again i want to thank them for all their work on this bill. Its been an extraordinary accom