EDITOR – I would like to add some information to your piece on paramedic recruitment in the last edition of The Southern Star.The premise that the National Ambulance Service has not been recruiting qualified paramedics is incorrect, as the latest competition was run at the end
The important editorial (‘Young people must not be made to wait for mental health services to catch up’, Irish Independent, September 11) raises many questions, not just for the HSE, but for every politician in Ireland.
EDITOR – I was reading recently about a call to allow drivers who are over 70 to be allowed to drive school buses.That seems to be a pretty good solution to the current shortage of bus drivers.We have all read in recent weeks how hard it has been for the school bus system to fi
EDITOR – Into the alphabet soup of Irish farming organisations plops the Farmers’ Alliance (FA).In media briefings FA spokespersons have said the organisation will focus on repairing the image of farmers eking out a living from the soil. It may come as a revelation to farming