tom winter, thank you so much. paul charleston, thank you. and kimberley atkins. we appreciate it. andrew mccabe talking about the reaction. as we briefed him on his counter investigation into president trump. #. any concerns from nunes, or the republicans there? no concerns. thaur doing what? you are investigating the president. no push back whatsoever. i will walkthru a detail brief whi. there was resignations at the table and a few nodding heads. we are investigating the president of the united states because we are concerned that there maybe something aamist.
what do you think they were reacting to? were they saying what did you hear? it was the message. it wasn t her charisma. elizabeth warren could have a stilted delivery. she s an imperfect speaker. it was the message. she was talking about the millionaires, billionaires, getting rid of loopholes. there is a lot of nodding heads in the room. these are people out of work, struggling. she may not be their most popular politician, but she connects. my dad was a middle of the road republican. one thing he had against the party was big shot corporations and deals whether it s price fixing by g.e., remember that scandal? he thought they bestrayed capitalism. there shouldn t be a special deal for the rich. it should be true free enterprise. look at these issues with the bailout of wall street and the bailout of the banks and the feeling that big corporations got bailed out after the great recession.
clinton struggle in democratic primaries. i was in west virginia yesterday. this populism, this ability of elizabeth warren to connect with working class voters of west virginia was real. there were 400 people in the room. tell me. what do you think they were reacting to? were they saying what did you hear? it was the message. it wasn t her charisma. elizabeth warren could have a stilted delivery. she s an imperfect speaker. it was the message. she was talking about the millionaires, billionaires, getting rid of loopholes. there is a lot of nodding heads in the room. these are people out of work, struggling. she may not be their most popular politician, but she connects. my dad was a middle of the road republican. one thing he had against the party was big shot corporations and deals whether it s price fixing by g.e., remember that scandal? he thought they bestrayed
this plane, it doesn t just have an exemplary record, it has an almost perfect record on safety. there is virtually no other aircraft but nothing is fail proof, richard. there is always chance. nothing is fail proof. but i m putting it in to perspective. the nature of this aircraft there is no plane the pilots love to fly more from what i hear than the 777. marty mitchell, thank you, guys. always fascinating to see you. hopefully you guys are sticking around with us for this press conference. we ll be here until at least 1:30 in the morning. don t see any nodding heads. thank you, guys. appreciate it. coming up here, details on today s search plans for a flight 370. and we re awaiting press conference. 30 minutes to the top of the hour here on cnn. because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable.
new york city mayor bill de blasio went on the daily show. i wonder if he said the great threat to this country is inequality. the bottom line is, we know the great threat to this country is inequality. the great threat to the city is inequality. we have rampant growing inequality, it s unsustainable. people need a core hope in a democratic society so they can get somewhere. this is often said to nodding heads. all fearful that disagreement comes off as cold, mean, republican. you probably eat babies, free range. me, i don t care, for i have yet to see a solution to the issue that doesn t rhyme with socialism. people get paid more. it s a fact. as you age, you get raises. in order to get on that path, though, you need a low-paying job first.