Fruition. We have a huge business in asia growing thats probably the single largest opportunity over the next decade or so. We intend to lead that market like we do in so many others. But again i come back to the point that its likely that a lot of those countries a number of those will give agreements with or without us if we dont get tpp done and we will be looking at a market that we ought to compete with. Theres another 1i will move to africa because im kind of passionate about this. We watched the chinese really take over africa. They come in with their own financing and engineering, sometimes their own workers to take over Minerals Come extraction, hydroelectric power across africa. And i feel we can do better in this country and i know that is on your agenda and all of our agenda but i am so pleased to hear the crossover between commerce and state because that is what we really need. That is what china and others do so well when they work on the market they combine all of their
Good afternoon, everyone. I am the president of the clear blue loose policy institute and i thank you for joining us and welcome you to our conservative womans network. Special thanks to the Heritage Foundation. We have been putting this on for years ended to a pleasure to work with a fine organization like the Heritage Foundation. I am happy to introduce todays speaker, kate obenshain. You have seen her on fox news where she is a passionate, articulate defender of conservative values and has one of the loose policy institutes most popular campus speakers for many years and she has been speaking and mentoring young women that we worked with for decades and helped me out so many times to help the institute, and i am grateful to you for that. She has also been in almost all of our great conservative women calendars. Our 2013 calendar is out. We do it differently with not only beautiful women but beautiful scenes from march of 2013 and the quote on her age, courage is the ladder on which
It wasnt even that fast. Dangerous conditions on area roadways. Some are still snowpacked. Others are covered in deep ice. A deep freeze has set in. Ghost towns. Businesses closing early because of the icy conditions. Foot traffic slowed to a crawl across our region. And in one local neighborhood, a woman died while digging out from the storm. News4 at 11 starts now. The storm may be gone, but its really cold out there tonight. Too cold, in fact, for salt trucks to do much good. And that has schools and businesses closing again tomorrow. Weve got Team Coverage of the deep freeze that is settling in tonight, from d. C. , maryland, and virginia. But we begin with chief meteorologist Doug Kammerer in storm center 4. Doug . Hey, guys. We are talking about bitter cold air across the region that is going to last right on through early tomorrow morning. We already set a couple of records out there, at least one. Lets take a look. Currently around the metro area, 17 at national. No problem the
Give you thanks for giving us another day. Help us this day to kragh closer to you so that with your spirit and your presence among us we all must face the tasks of this day. Bless the members of the peoples house. Help them to think clearly, speak confidently and act courageously in the belief that all Noble Service is based upon patience, truth and love. You know well the pressing issues facing our nation. Grant our leaders, especially, the wisdom to do what is best and may we all join in the common will for the benefit of all constituencies even though this will take some sacrifice. May all that is done this day be for your greater honor and glory. Amen. The speaker the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1 the journal stands approved. For what purpose does the gentleman from illinois rise . Mr. Speaker, pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, i demand a vote on agreeing to the speakers app
Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories. Potential payment to Kathleen Mcdougal before it took place. So that is obviously at odds with the president saying that he learned about it later. Still lots of questions here, lots of unresolved issues, and the white house, a stressful day at the lectern for sarah sanders, i think, given the number of questions which she really did not have anything that she could go to beyond the prepared statement of he has done nothing wrong, there are no charges against him. Kelly, thanks very much for that. Kelly odonnell at the white house. Michael cohens guilty plea sheds light on the timeline of Hush Money Payments made to women who President Trump is accused of having affairs with before the campaign. This Isnt The Salacious Gossip it once was, this is part of a pattern of trump. According to the new yorker, Playboy Model Karen Mcdougal signed a Nondisclosure Agreement with American Media incorporated, the parent compan