The void
July 15, 2021
The void I want to talk about is the global ideological void, which is assuming serious proportions. This is why the world seems adrift, searching for a new justification to exist. To be sure, this is not the only void, but is the cause of all the other smaller voids that follow: a political void, the systemic void, the education void, the cultural void, the spiritual void and, above all, the health void.
For the first time since World War II, we have entered a phase of ideological vacuum. Totalitarian Soviet communism having failed with the Soviet Union, colonialism and hegemony failing with the US scuttle from Afghanistan, its defeat in Iraq and frankly the whole of the Middle East, its bootless surge for military bases here there and everywhere and in the absence of any replacement, this void is opening up. I have not called it a chasm because I find void a much more powerful word because in a void there is hardly anything except for growling, shrieking