Black History You Never Learned in School
Thu, Feb 4
Mon, Apr 12
Thu, Apr 8
Wed, Apr 7
PREVIOUSNEXT Thursday, February 11, 2021
What did you learn in school about Black history? Chances are it was the basics, and they were taught in the month of February. At OZY, we don’t limit our lessons to the shortest month of the year, instead weaving them throughout the calendar. But today, in honor of Black History Month, we are bringing you a Daily Dose devoted to the Black history you
should have learned but probably didn’t. Among the questions we’ll answer: How does the Civil War shed light on the COVID-19 pandemic? Who were the filmmakers who laid the groundwork for Ava DuVernay? What types of technology can place some of these hidden gems in a new light? (Virtual) school’s open, so read on.