enough time to pick up a cup of coffee or go kite-boarding. we ve been literally talking about their trip longer than it lasted, it was that brief. on the other hand, so was the moon landing. so was the wright brothers first flight at cu kittyhawk. those brief hours they spent on martha s vineyard changed history and left what they re calling an indelible mark on the people who live there. they enriched us, said one resident. we were happy to help them on their journey. unfortunately that journey ended abruptly at a military base at cape cod where our venezuelan brothers and sisters are held against their will, prisoners in a country they thought there was own. kite-boarding is out of the question. just a bitter dream at this point. the people of martha s vineyard knew this was going to happen. and yet, none of them thought to tell their venezuelan brothers and sisters before it happened. quote, i kept telling them it was like a dormitory, jackie stallings, who lives on the
destinations on the planet, an idyllidyllic island with unlimid resources, unlimited beds, and a population that claimed to love them. no person is illegal read the lawn signs. 50 people is too many for martha s vineyard. they called in the army to have them removed. actually judging by the behavior, not the lawn signs, the people of martha s vineyard are not especially compassionate. in fact, they re small-minded and cheap and pretty nasty as any waiter or babysitter who works on the island can tell you. once again, the ones who claim to be the best people are actually the worst people. remember when jimmy swaggert got busted? it s highly embarrassing. on martha s vineyard they re not
integrity: borders, sovereignty, the right to determine who comes into your country and then pick that is a word from, harris, the lifelong open borders activist. putin had a better imagination, but apparently doesn t. he painted on russian tanks no person is illegal. what would kamala harris say to that? on what grounds would she say russians who just won a better life with their families in the ukraine that the kids come to the ukraine? if the russians lazarus, kamala harris would have to support them and their voting rights in the ukraine. unfortunately for them, the russians are also soap literal for this. when they invade a country, they just call it an invasion. you still have to wonder, invasion or not, why is any of this profound concern of ours? why would you consider risking american lives or sending billions of dollars to stop it? there are multiple border wars underway around the world, multiple just on the continent of africa right now. there always have been. many are