him to testify. you know how ease it it would be to get out of it if he was a liar? say i brought two russians, no kroks. what cohen has done to himself and lanny davis has done is ruin credibility before he shows up at the prosecutor s door. do you think anybody will put him on the witness stand ever? well, look, here we go. you had said not two months ago that michael cohen was an honest and honorable man. now you re saying he s a pathological liar? how is it? well, that s about as unfair as you can say. how did i know he was a lawyer taping his client? you tell me a lawyer is taping his client, i have to say sorry, i made a mistake, unethical, xum bag, horrible person. i never heard of taping without the client s consent and person like cohen doing what he did to chris cuomo, coming into his office in this building and taking out his phone and putting it away and saying i m not recording you then recording him
by british intelligence has never been confirmed but that doesn t mean any intelligence reports there are some truths, untruths sometimes you can corroborate and sometimes you can t. just because you can t corroborate it, doesn t mean that it s not true. somebody can go out in the middle of the forest and commit a crime with no witnesses and when he comes back, there s no kroks, so can you say he didn t commit the crime, no. the crime was committed. but we haven t corroborated it and we don t know what mueller is doing. we do know he s reached out and is looking at this dossier. so mueller obviously thinks there must be some chestnuts there that haven t been properly investigated. so it s an utter falsehood to say that somebody has said nothing in the dossier is true. that s not true at all and it s an inaccurate statement bill the president. what do you think he was looking for with christopher steel? what i think he s looking to do is completely discredit steel because th