Tenants across Australia are being asked to leave their homes without being told why, under no grounds evictions. Some fear they could be evicted simply for asking for repairs or complaining. But landlords say outlawing no grounds eviction is not the solution.
England is enduring a homelessness crisis, with the number of people living in temporary accommodation in England at a 25 year high amid high inflation coupled with a severe cost of living crisis.
and the council tax in between tenants has gone up to £152 a month. the standing charges on the utilities have gone up. and also because i m so arthritic now and i can t fix it up myself, i ve got to pay people to do all the work on it. so fewer properties to rent as more families than ever seek a home. my old room was like a lot bigger. this one s really small, but my old room, i could, like, do stuff in. like, i would usually, like, draw picture like, and just nail it into the wall. but i can t do that here. caden has no place to call home. the 12 year old has previously spent two months in a hotel after his family were served with a no fault eviction. they re not allowed to decorate this temporary accommodation as they could be moved at any minute. just not knowing, you know, any day. this isn t secure. it isn t like, oh, we re definitely going to live here until we move on . something could happen with this place. we could move on again.
buchanan has this report. born into homelessness, five week old jack has spent his entire life living in a hotel room. his i7 month old sister, lily, learned to walk here. the family say they were made homeless through a no fault eviction as the landlord wanted the property back. they all now live in the one room. he wakes up crying, it wakes her up. so some nights i ve been down here, about three in the morning, rocking him in the pram down here so that he doesn t wake her up. out on the street? no, in the reception. yeah. sat in the reception. and because that s the thing. when one of you wakes up, the whole room wakes up. yeah. he starts crying for a bottle and wakes her up, and then she wakes up and she thinks it s morning and get up. the families here are among a record number of households living in temporary accommodation in england. nearly ia,000 households are living in hotels or bed and breakfast. the council in plymouth expect to spend nearly £7 million on the problem this
A controversial new ordinance came into force on Saturday in San Diego requiring landlords to compensate renters when their lease is terminated through no fault of their own.