Nandez Inter, l’operazione è ancora possibile ma ad una sola condizione: tutti gli aggiornamenti sul futuro dell’uruguaiano
Nahitan Nandez continua a spingere .
namiez days, coming into ahead know that nandez had to close down 50 restaurants because of chicken shortages in mcdonald s and this is a very shortages in mcdonald s and this is a very material issue for me because i a very material issue for me because i love a very material issue for me because i love milkshakes, they stopped milkshakes, which is my thing. we have milkshakes, which is my thing. we have a milkshakes, which is my thing. we have a perfect storm. you have with brexit. have a perfect storm. you have with brexit. the have a perfect storm. you have with brexit, the exodus of 14,000 lori travers brexit, the exodus of 14,000 lori travers to brexit, the exodus of 14,000 lori travers to the continent because of covid-i9. travers to the continent because of covid 19, they ve had a backlog of 30,000 covid 19, they ve had a backlog of 30,000 each gv driver tested have not been 30,000 each gv driver tested have not been able to be carried out due to the not
Cagliari, nuova idea per Nandez: ecco a cosa stanno pensando Giulini e Capozucca per sbloccare la cessione dell’uruguaiano
Nahitan Nandez non avrebbe più .
Il Cagliari sta limando gli ultimi dettagli in vista della sfida di questa sera di Coppa Italia contro il Pisa: i convocati di Semplici
Il Cagliari sta .
I convocati del Cagliari per quanto concerne la sfida con il Pisa, valevole per la Coppa Italia 2021/2022. Inizia ufficialmente la stagione del club sardo .