Wie Klondike Gold Pantaflix Tele Columbus Nikola Vapiano und Suess Microtec für Gesprächsstoff sorgten Aktie Symbol SK Perf. Pantaflix PAL2 1.85 10.12% VAO 0.039 5.41% SMHN 22.5 4.65% Nikola NKLA 1.27 -7.97% Columbus TC1
Nikola Co. (NASDAQ:NKLA – Get Free Report) traded up 6.8% during mid-day trading on Monday . The company traded as high as $1.36 and last traded at $1.34. 17,524,459 shares were traded during trading, a decline of 66% from the average session volume of 51,550,230 shares. The stock had previously closed at $1.25. Analyst Ratings […]