Oswald Nanton, the longest serving (1991 to about 2001) principal of Union Island Secondary School (UISS) has being remembered as an educational giant.
by Nephew, Nkarlo Alexander Thirty years ago this month we lost a bright light in Union Island, and in my family. The second daughter to Jonathan and Ellen Alexander,she was a sweet candle in Jesus. Served the Adventist church as the clerk in the children’s department, in Sabbath School, in Dorcas (community service), on the choir, etc; helped to fund the church’s Christmas parties for the children in the …
by Nephew, Nkarlo Alexander Thirty years ago this month we lost a bright light in Union Island, and in my family. The second daughter to Jonathan and Ellen Alexander,she was a sweet candle in Jesus. Served the Adventist church as the clerk in the children’s department, in Sabbath School, in Dorcas (community service), on the choir, etc; helped to fund the church’s Christmas parties for the children in the …