MUMBAI: Telugu's biggest reality show hosted by Nagarjuna, 'Bigg Boss Telugu 5', is marching towards the finale, as there are only six contestants left in the house now.VJ Sunny, Manas, Sree Rama Chan |
MUMBAI: Shanmukh Jaswanth, who became quite popular in the Telugu states with his back-to-back web series, is currently one of the top-6 contestants on 'Bigg Boss Telugu 5'.Despite his underperformanc |
MUMBAI: After Priyanka Singh's exit from 'Bigg Boss Telugu 5', VJ Sunny, Sreerama Chandra, Manas, Shanmukh, Kajal, and Siri are the six contestants left in the game.With the top-six contestants left i |
Even after her eviction, Anee seems to be carrying the hatred of RJ Kajal, as she is the one who got into the limelight during these fights on the show.