Performing stunts on motorcycles on city roads has landed a 26-year-old YouTuber with 1.5 million subscribers in jail, the Noida Police said on Thursday. Nizamul Khan was previously arrested by the Noida Police in 2020.
A popular YouTuber, who was out on bail in a murder case, has been arrested for performing bike stunts in Noida. The accused was arrested in 2020 for allegedly murdering his girlfriend's brother who opposed to their relationship.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Performing stunts on motorcycles on city roads has landed a 26-year-old YouTuber with 1.5 million subscribers in jail, police officials here said on Thursday. India News | Noida Youtuber with 1.5 Million Subscribers Arrested for Performing Bike Stunts.
Top 10 Creepiest Things From Around The Internet
That abandoned house at the end of your street is pretty creepy. The story your older cousins told you about the guy with a hook for a hand calling the babysitter from inside the house (or something like that – you were too busy trying not to pee your pants to listen), that was really creepy. These are creepy things that happen in the real world. So, what about the internet?
C’mon, are you kidding?
Amongst the sea of mid-2000s of cat video montages, the panoply zoomers lip-syncing to 5-seconds of a pop song (that proves the world is doomed), and that damned Scottish bloke singing a sea shanty, there exists some of the creepiest, most mysterious and downright gross content. You don’t even have to plumb the depths of the deep web to find it – it’s right at the surface. The blurred line between the internet and real-life blur at this point.