Responding to demand for a simple but accurate tool for measuring discharge flow rates in streams, rivers and channels, NIVUS initially demonstrated a prototype NivuFlow Stick in 2018, and received its first order for a commercial product in 2020.
Responding to the demand for simple but accurate tools for measuring discharge flow rates in streams, rivers and channels, NIVUS initially demonstrated a prototype NivuFlow Stick in 2018 and received its first order for a commercial product in 2020. Click to read more.
The instrumentation company Nivus has developed a new hand-held portable flow monitoring technology in response to a requirement that was originally identified by the Environment Agency (EA). Click to read more.
NIVUS’ patented cross correlation technology was included in the 2021 edition of ISO 748 (Hydrometry — Measurement of liquid flow in open channels — Velocity area methods using point velocity measurements) within the category of accepted Acoustic Echo Correlation Velocimeters (AECVs). Click to read more.