In the coming years, nitrogen standards will become stricter than they are now, reports the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality after research by the Wageningen University & Research (WUR). The critical disposition value (CDV) that is currently used, which determines the maximum amount of nitrogen an area can take before damage occurs, is not strict enough to protect nature.
Nitrogen emissions reduction targets have divided the Dutch population, ushering in an upstart political party and playing a primary role in the ouster of Prime Minister Mark Rutte just days after the shocking collapse of his coalition government.
The discussions meant to bring about an end to the stalemate between the Cabinet and the agriculture sector over issues related to environmental policy, nitrogen emissions, and sustainability have been definitively discontinued, Chris Kalden said on Wednesday. Kalden formerly led the national nature reserve organization Staatsbosbeheer, and was was tasked with leading talks between the agriculture sector, the Cabinet, and other affected parties and stakeholders.
The Netherlands must continue to speed up its policy approach to nitrogen emissions issues, cautioned the European Commission in a letter to Nature and Nitrogen Minister Christianne van der Wal. The existence of the letter was confirmed by unnamed sources in the national government, following first reports by RTL Nieuws. Minister of Agriculture Piet Adema said he was shocked that the European Commission wants the deterioration of vulnerable nature sites due to nitrogen to stop by 2030.
The Netherlands must continue to speed up its policy approach to nitrogen emissions issues, cautioned the European Commission in a letter to Nature and Nitrogen Minister Christianne van der Wal. The existence of the letter was confirmed by unnamed sources in the national government, following first reports by RTL Nieuws. Minister of Agriculture Piet Adema said he was shocked that the European Commission wants the deterioration of vulnerable nature sites due to nitrogen to stop by 2030.