During a rally in Bihar, Union Home Minister Amit Shah accused opposition leaders who attended a meeting in Patna of being involved in scams worth over Rs 20 lakh crore. He also criticized Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar for forming a government with the opposition and stated that such leaders must be punished.
Union Home Minister and senior BJP leader Amit Shah on Thursday accused opposition leaders, who had attended the June 23 meeting in Patna, of being involved in scams worth over Rs 20 lakh crore.
Union Home Minister and senior BJP leader Amit Shah on Thursday accused opposition leaders, who had attended the June 23 meeting in Patna, of being involved in scams worth over Rs 20 lakh crore.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Thursday attacked Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar at his Hunkar rally in the state's Lakhisarai, saying he was questioning those "who had given him his post"."Paltu Babu Nitish Kumar was asking about .