Actress Pranitha Subhash, who has earmarked space for herself in Kannada, Telugu and Tamil films with her fine performances, on Monday announced her pregnancy on the occasion of her husband s 34th birthday.Taking to Instagram, Pranitha posted a .
Multilingual actor Pranitha Subhash, who has worked in several Kannada, Telugu and Hindi films, is soon going to welcome her first baby with husband Nitin.
Hungama 2 actress Pranitha Subhash announces pregnancy, expecting first child with husband Nitin Raju - Pranitha Shubhash wrote, “For my husband’s 34th bday, the angels above have a present for us.
For the unversed, Pranitha tied the knot with businessman Nitin Raju in an intimate wedding ceremony on May 30, 2021. The wedding was a low-key affair due to COVID-19 protocols and restrictions. Pranitha Subhash Expecting First Child With Hubby Nitin Raju; Hungama 2 Actress Shares Lovely Pictures on Instagram!.