UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi visited the Tham Hin Temporary Shelter in Ratchaburi Province, Thailand where he was welcomed by refugees who shared with him their experiences and hopes for the future. UNHCR<br />
The displacement crisis following the conflict in Sudan that started nearly six months ago, continues unabated with nearly 6 million people forced out of their homes inside and outside of the country and with nearly 90 percent of the new arrivals being women and children, said the UN Refugee agency (UNHCR). UNTV CH
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said, “The world is increasingly divided, fragmented and inward looking,” adding that “forty-four new emergencies in 31 countries, capping off an awful record of number of crises in one year.” UNHCR
Humanitarian organizations are seeking urgent support to step up the response for over 100,000 refugees in Armenia to ensure short term as well as medium to long term needs are met. UNHCR