he is a great guy, i like boerner. he changed his thinking on pot. we call it all cannabis, makes us feel better to call it cannabis. tell it. in 2011, he said this, i am opposed to the legislation of marijuana. he was on the record. now tweets today, he is now a member of, joined acreage holdings. a cannabis distributor. laura: how much he making off pot and wrecking the minds of young people. he s seeing green, not marijuana, benjamins. laura: it sad. we have enough problems in the country. don t need kids adults, it is fine, kids doll it. i am adamant, not cool, i m not wild about this.
senators running in states that president trump carried if 2016. a little break on democrats, on daca. so far there are are no limitations the plans are attractive to hand he could face a very much more difficult isn t it sad that not one democrat was willing to vote for a tax package. which delivers to millions of americans, cash in their pockets, real tangible results. the trump boom is just beginning. they don t want it gto get on board because they would rather grand stand by their division politics rather than talk about real growth which we never saw under the obama era. everyone wants to get in. one at a time. that s the outreach. they can t resist in about .3 seconds. maybe democrats are on for the tax bill. i believe the talking point now
the adult day care center he believes the white house has become. i want to go back to the white house now because kristen welker and president trump is rarely to let a tweeting situation go by, and that was the case this morning, right? reporter: that s right. let me read you some of the tweets that the president sent out after our interview with senator corker on the today show. the president fired up, tweeting bob corker who helped president o. give us the bad iran deal and couldn t get elected dogcatcher in tennessee is now fighting tax cuts. corker dropped out of the race in tennessee when i refused to endorse him. and now is negative on everything trump. look at his record. corker would take exception to a lot of what the president is alleging in the tweets. but he s taking very sharp aim at corker. corker responding, same untruths from the utterly untruthful president. #alertthedaycarestaff. and the president responding, isn t it sad that lightweight senator bob corker who c
resentment are not the govern ever philosophy. powerful words there. of course, republican jeff flake will be a guess on morning joe. and raging against bob corker s criticism of him writing at 9:30 eastern time, quote, isn t it sad that lightweight senator bob corker who couldn t get re-elected in the state of tennessee will now face tax cuts. plus, at the 10:00 hour, the president wrote senator corker is the prominent head of the foreign relations committee and look how poorly the u.s. has done. he doesn t have a clue as people were laughing and taking advantage of us. people like little bob corker have set the u.s. way back. now we move forward. and talking to bob corker in the halls of capitol hill. it s a sad place for our perspective of a nation. the worst is just to hold the base, if you will, of our
all right. a remarkable interview. let me tell you how we got here. president trump is headed to capitol hill shortly to have lunch with republican senators to talk about tax cuts. senator bob corker, even before this interview with manu, did a round of interviews this morning talking about tax cuts. he said he didn t believe that the president has the skill or the commitment to shepherd through the type of tax reform that bob corker would like to see. the president responded on twitter, really lashing out, he said bob corker, who helped president o. give us the bad iran deal and couldn t get elected dog catcher in tennessee is fighting tax cuts, corker dropped out of the race in tennessee when i refused to endorse him and now only negative on anything trump look at his record and then as senator corker was talking to manu, the president tweeted, isn t it sad that senator bob corker who couldn t get elected in the state of tennessee will now fight tax cuts plus. we don t know. we kno