Cindy Woodhouse Nepinak, the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, said her headdress taken by staff and thrown into storage during a domestic flight on Wednesday.
A Canadian indigenous chief slammed Canada's largest airline after cabin crewmembers "harassed" her over her ceremonial headdress before placing the sacred item in a garbage bag and tossing it into the baggage hold.
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The Timmins Fire Department, along with the Timmins Police Service, EMS and Nishnawabe Aski Nation’s Amber’s Fire Safety Campaign, held a Touch-a-Truck event at Ramada Inn Monday afternoon.
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Try refreshing your browser. Touch-a-Truck held for forest fire evacuees Back to video
About 150 evacuees from Pikangikum First Nation are staying in Timmins due to active forest fires in northwestern Ontario.
Fire Chief Tom Laughren said the event gave the attendees an opportunity to talk to the emergency service providers, have a look at the emergency vehicles and the equipment, and learn about fire safety including how fire alarms and smoke detectors work.