We stand in the South African bush with Professor Lee Berger, the Paleoanthropologist who discovered the richest early hominid site yet found on the continent of Africa and a new species of human relative, Homo naledi, and, looking around the site of his discoveries, he says: "Do you know why you feel at home in these surroundings?.because we are all indigenous from here. Everywhere else on this planet we have imposed ourselves; here, the trees, the plants, the animals, have gotten used to the human species and its evolution for millions of years." It is in this "cradle of humankind" that Artist Caroline Bittermann has been invited by the Nirox Foundation in South Africa to add an artwork to their permanent collection. Caroline has long been working with the concept of the historical English Landscape Garden, where ruins often had critical political impacts in expressing the rebellious opinions of the garden-owners. Here in South Africa, the Artist has created a scu