"In the wake of Mohamad Barakat's murderous, unprovoked attack, Officer Robinson's use of force was reasonable, justified and, in all ways, it was lawful," said Attorney General Drew Wrigley.
"In the wake of Mohamad Barakat's murderous, unprovoked attack, Officer Robinson's use of force was reasonable, justified and, in all ways, it was lawful," said Attorney General Drew Wrigley.
"In the wake of Mohamad Barakat's murderous, unprovoked attack, Officer Robinson's use of force was reasonable, justified and, in all ways, it was lawful," said Attorney General Drew Wrigley.
"In the wake of Mohamad Barakat's murderous, unprovoked attack, Officer Robinson's use of force was reasonable, justified and, in all ways, it was lawful," said Attorney General Drew Wrigley.
"In the wake of Mohamad Barakat's murderous, unprovoked attack, Officer Robinson's use of force was reasonable, justified and, in all ways, it was lawful," said Attorney General Drew Wrigley.